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Happy mothers day!

I am a very emotional person, I express myself a lot through my emotions, I smile, I laugh, I cryyyy!!!…. at slightest event or even a passing comment could easily bring me back down to memory lane. As I’m writing this piece, guess what? I got emotional again and do you know which of my emotions I expressed? You guessed right.

It’s mothers day today and as my husband was wishing me happy mothers day this morning and he was reminding me of how far we’ve come….yea, emotions…. 🙂 I just decided to pen this little piece down for all our grandmothers, mothers, and all the girl child.

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As a girl child, I was encapsulated with the thought and passion of growing up to become a mother. Though I did not know what it entailed (I thought it was easy). I remember how I adored my dolly and cared so much for it that I always took my mum’s head scarf and made clothes with it for my dolly and I remember my mom telling me ”e ma ge gbogbo gele mi. Ejo eje kin r’aso wo” – meaning ”don’t cut all my scarf, kindly leave me some clothes to wear”. LOL.  I couldn’t relate to that statement so much at that time because I thought in my mind; of course you can easily get  another one (I thought she had a lot of money 🙂 ).

As I grew older into my teenage years, I saw my aunties (two of them) come to our house with babies and complain so much of sleeplessness and the other things women complained about and I thought hmm….is it not just a little baby? I felt there was something wrong somewhere how could a big person like my aunty be tired and exhausted over a tiny baby like this?.  A couple of times, I remember taking the baby from one my aunty to play with her so as to relief her of the complain. In my mind, I thought taking care of a child is so easy stop complaining!. Please don’t judge me you can’t really know until you are there.

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Now I am grown woman with my own kids and in my Mom and Aunties shoes. I have worked in a couple of places and I’m still working but so far I have come to realize that motherhood is the most difficult job in the world: It’s not a play like playing with my dolly as a girl child, neither is it baby sitting for a couple of hours like I did for my aunties. No! it is way beyond that, it is an endless job. Starting from the journey of pregnancy to the pain in delivery room to the sleepless nights. It is an endless road of dedication, devotion, sympathy, forgiveness, prayers, selflessness, perseverance, sacrifice, compassion, mentorship, love…. and MOTHERHOOD. Kudos to our mothers!
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Happy mothers day to all true mothers!
Lola .O.

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